Hello, I’m Amanda Matthews, the creator of Orchideria. I’m a theologian, pastor, motivational speaker, and landscape designer with a passion for orchids. After spending most of my life in tropical climates, I moved back to the USA and faced the challenge of growing these exotic plants in Kansas. This led me to hours of research and experimentation, transforming my living room into a natural habitat for my orchids.
I’ve authored two books on orchid care, “Orchid Journey” and “Orchid Journey Notebook”, sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. I also run a YouTube channel where I plan to share more orchid care tips once my greenhouse in Brazil is up and running.
My orchid business online has lead me to create Orchideria.com Brasil LTDA, an educational and cultural center located in the southernmost part of Brazil, where I give courses both about orchids and landscape design. Both courses are given in Portuguese. I do not sell orchids since I am currently in the process of building my orchid greenhouses, but that might be a thought for the future. For now, I just like to teach.
Despite the challenges, working with orchids has given me a sense of peace and fulfillment. I’ve learned a lot through trial and error, and I’m excited to share this journey with you. I encourage comments and interaction as we learn together.
Please note: I’m not perfect and I still get things wrong sometimes. But that’s part of the journey and I’m committed to continuous learning and improvement. Thank you for joining me on this orchid journey.

Books Written By Me (Or About Me)
I’m the author of 2 books written in orchid care, Orchid Journey and Orchid Journey Notebook. These books are the culmination of my passion for orchids and my desire to share my knowledge and experiences with others.
In Orchid Journey, I take readers on a comprehensive exploration of the world of orchids, covering everything from their history and origins to their care and cultivation. This book is perfect for both beginners and experienced orchid enthusiasts, providing valuable insights and practical tips. Check the price on Amazon here.
Orchid Journey Notebook, on the other hand, is a more interactive and personal companion to Orchid Journey. It includes space for readers to jot down their own observations, notes, and experiences with orchids. This book serves as a journal and record-keeping tool, allowing orchid lovers to document their orchid collection, track their progress, and reflect on their journey with these beautiful plants. Check the price on Amazon here.
I have also written a memoir about leaving an abusive relationship in Brazil and traveling with two small children across 5,000 miles to get back home to Kansas. That gut-wrenching story is not the best part of me, but it has shaped me into who I am today. It’s called Shattered Sanctuary and can be found on Amazon. You can check out my author page and more about my bio here. There is a large print edition, too.
In addition to my books, I have also had the privilege of being interviewed for the book “Tell Her She Can’t.“by Kelly Lewis (
If you’d like to support me with an extra cup of coffee, please check out the donations page.
If you’d like to see some of the funnier things I post, you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Just google me! We could all use more friends.

~Amanda June Matthews.