All orchids need a weak dose of fertilizer 3 of the 4 weeks of the month. In store-bought fertilizers, the chemicals and nutrients that are normally found are presented in an N-P-K ratio. Nitrogen,...
With prices that are skyrocketing these days for orchid fertilizer, there’s no reason to be wasting it. With orchids as light feeders, not much fertilizer is necessary. As long as it’s in an...
If you’ve grown orchids for a while, you’ve probably run across the question of using eggshells as a calcium supplement for orchid fertilizer. When you start researching what all goes into the...
Orchid fertilization is not a complicated subject, but the more you immerse yourself in the different possibilities, the more fascinating it gets. Well, at least for me… I once thought that...
To know how to pick the best fertilizer for orchids, you need to look at one specific item, which is composed of a three-part number separated by dashes. This number is called the N-P-K ratio, and is...